
Logo Kleinalischer Saat

Vor Ort in Klein Alisch

Wir sind

ein öko – Tourismusprojekt in Klein Alisch, Siebenbürgen, Rumänien.

Wir bauen

Wir suchen

Ihre Aufgaben bei uns


sprechen Deutsch und etwas Englisch, zudem sind bereit, mit der Zeit etwas Rumänisch zu lernen. Sie sind fleißig und konzentriert bei der Arbeit, dazu haben Sie Spaß neue Wege zu gehen.

Wir bieten


sind Sie alleinstehend, als Paar oder als Familie.

Ihre aussagekräftige Bewerbung

mit lückenlosem Lebenslauf senden Sie bitte auf elektronischem Weg an:

Im Mai 2024


You may join us on a vacation and stay in our renovated Saxon family farmhouses. The guest houses are run by our partner, the company SC Accento Inovatii SRL.

Kirchturm Straße Häuser


Volunteers, Internships and Craftsmen

If you are interested to stay and work with us for a limited time, you are welcome to join us for work in:

– Masonry
– Carpentry
– Horticulture
– Dairy cattle
– Agriculture
– making finished foods

we offer you free bed and food together with the opportunity to experience a completely different life.

We are looking forward to your message at: post(at)

We will be pleased to welcome you at our place even if you do not have any experience in the above mentioned professions, enjoy the stay and to learn new things from other people.

Büffel Weide
Wasserquelle Berg Bäume


Meeting people, exchanging opinions, visions and ideas is essential for the life of communities and societies. This also gives us the opportunity for personal evolution and to expand our consciousness.

We organize meetings and trainings about agriculture, personal development and society.

We currently do not offer any public events.


All participants in our agriculture are living.

Our initial objective of doing agriculture is to achieve self supply in food and feed.

Nature is our partner that gives us the means to work the land and to all plants their energy to grow. By time we are seeing that we do not understand all natural transactions we deal with, this encourages us to even more respect nature and open our mind for learning and start finding our feet.

So we quest to work only with plants that produce germinating seeds and to use inherited old varieties. A plant is a living being, interchanging with all live around it, other plants, the soil, us human beings as well as air, water and the sun. Our influence on that natural process shall be a minimum, just the necessary to obtain the yield we need as food for us.

We cultivate the soil to suit the needs of the crop that shall grow, applying our knowledge and opinion at the date. The less deeper we turn the soil, the better we think it is. As soil is full of life too, we see the plants that grow beside crop as messenger which we try to understand. We deeply appreciate the job the soil does for us, consequently we use only plants and manure from our animals as fertilizer.

From the animals living with us we get milk, eggs and meat. Of course we intend to give them a habitat that is the closest possible to to their natural one, which is quite easy for our cattle as it is on the pasture with exception of two to three months in winter. Whereas poultry has to be kept in the yards behind the houses; that is far away from the woodlands of their origin.

All participants in our agriculture are living and in permanent exchange. As we are aware of this and participate actively, we call this living agriculture.

Landwirtschaft mit Traktor auf Feld
Landwirtschaft Getreide
Bortbacken im Ofen


Sitz des Vereins:

Klein Alischer Saat
Haus Nr. 41
Klein Alisch

ASOCIATIA Sămânţa Seleuşul – Mic,
Sat Seleus mic Nr. 41
Com Zagâr


(in Kürze)

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